Pharmapproach is not involved in any transaction between the buyer and seller in whatever capacity. We do not handle payments, guarantee transactions, provide escrow service, or offer buyer protection or seller certification. Please, report users claiming to offer such services.

Although the ads are posted by real and honest people/companies and are safe for use, Pharmapproach is not liable for any kind of financial decisions/transactions regarding any goods and services which you post in your ads or any contact you make with other potential users of this marketplace. Pharmapproach will try to keep the site free from scammers as well as from fraudulent and deceitful transactions.

Safety tips for buyers

  1. Double-check the company’s background, make sure you check the company’s status and legitimacy before handing over your money.
  2. When possible, request for an original receipt or a written receipt for the purchase.
  3. Obtain a bill of sale and verify the seller’s identity.
  4. Avoid anything that appears too good to be true, such as underpriced offers
  5. Beware of unusual/ suspicious requests.
  6. Choose a reliable and trusted financial institution as a partner business.
  7. Check the delivery terms, mode of payment, and the price. Always select a payment option that is comfortable for you.
  8. Do not disclose your financial information/bank details (such as your credit card number, bank account details, eBay/PayPal info) or any other information that could be misused.
  9. You can hire a third-party service to check the condition of the item you are planning to purchase.
  10. Offers with photo images from the internet may be misleading because they often fail to reflect the actual state of the product.
  11. Compare prices before purchase.
  12. Keep copies of all correspondence (emails, ads, letters, etc.) and details of the person.

Safety tips for sellers

  1. Make sure you stick to your company’s terms for doing business both locally and internationally.
  2. Beware of scammers posing as genuine buyers.
  3. Verify credentials whenever you get orders in bulk.
  4. You can ask for a valid means of identification (e.g., valid ID with photo and address). Take a photo of it for reference purposes.
  5. Be wary of any transaction that involves overpayment and requests to refund the excess money by internet banking or wire transfer.
  6. Choose a reliable and trusted financial institution as a partner business.
  7. Keep copies of all correspondence (emails, ads, letters, etc.) and details of the person.

Other safety tips

  1. Always protect your login details and report any unauthorized use of your account.
  2. Avoid spoof emails and websites.

Feel free to contact us if you suspect any form of fraud.